MP Bulktech Thermal Pallet Jackets/Covers


MP Bulktech Thermal Pallet Covers have become a worldwide product for goods in transit whether it is used by air, road, sea or covering pallets in Cold Storage facilities. Why risk your precious cargo, with this great and affordable product. You will always have piece of mind knowing your product is in a stable environment.

MP Bulktech Thermal Pallet Covers are manufactured from the same strong and durable reflective or foil based materials our MP Bulktech Templiners are made from. This product offers the same protection as the MP Bulktech liner does, but for loose cargo loads. (LCL)

Again this product can be made to any size requested.


Our standard Pallet Covers are made from the same HDPE and LDPE material used in our Container Liners that adhere to food grade standards. This product has grown significantly with Farmers and Warehouses around the world, keeping cargo uniform in the warehouses, stores and in the some cases allowing the product to be placed outdoors as they are waterproof.

Why Choose MP Bulktech Thermal Pallet Covers

  • Easy to install
  • Keeps Cargo Clean
  • Regulates temperature and protects cargo from temperature spikes and condensation water damage.
  • Maintains cold chain
  • Durable and strong
  • Offers complete piece of mind knowing your product is in a stable environment.
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